37 hours

37 hours

In just thirty-seven hours, I'm taking off on a one way flight to Osaka, Japan. When to return? Who knows! My first mission upon arrival: eat some delicious ramen! My second, and arguably more important mission: Find a home for Danielle and I! Totally not joking... Can't wait to get my hands on some real ramen. I feel like an adventurer of old; going off to a new world, establishing a home for my wife (and cats). And like every good adventure, obstacles to overcome! My jungle to tame is concrete, and the bear to wrestle, bureaucracy. (Admittedly, mine is a very modern, first-world adventure.) ( codyanddanielle.org and affiliates do not participate in, or support boxing or wrestling with bears ) I love adventure: new places, experiences, and stories. Despite that, one could easily get overwhelmed by everything going on, needs to be done, or could go wrong. For that reason, we've been pro-active with our anti-worrying. Philippians 4:6-7 has been our verse...
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The call to 日本 (Japan)

The call to 日本 (Japan)

If you know Danielle or me even a little, you've probably heard us talk about Japan. Well, the season is quickly approaching! Our Seattle apartment is a testament to that! As of last week, we've officially started packing boxes to be shipped to our new home: Osaka, Japan. Why Japan? That answer has been brewing for a number of years, starting back in the early 2000s. Ever since I encountered the Holy Spirit I have always felt a call to Asia. The thought never felt foreign or forced, but instead, entirely natural. It was as if this call was implanted within my core at the moment of my first "yes" to the Lord. Perhaps due to my relatively minimal exposure to missions, or simple naivety in my young age, I had always operated out of an assumption that my call to Asia was a call to China. I had heard of the underground churches in China and was inspired by...
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