The language of the Spirit
Danielle and I are nearing the end of our time on sabbatical and so far, it's been great.
We're feeling full of hope, love, and joy. Every week is full of connection with old and new friends, and lots of time with family. Even our physical fitness is probably the best it's ever been.
During all of this, the Lord has been surrounding us with confirmation.
"Unusual coincidence is the language of the Spirit,"
is how I believe Pastor Bill Johnson put it the other day, while ministering to the crowd gathered one evening at Bethel church. Bill had just called out a fairly unique word of knowledge. (A spiritual gift, often associated with the prophetic, where one has suddenly been given knowledge of something that hadn't known of previously. In this case, the awareness of a certain physical ailment one was suffering from in the room. See 1 Corinthians 12:8 for mention of the gift.) Three ladies responded to this...