Spring 2021 Update

Spring 2021 Update

Hey, everyone! Hope this update finds you in health and happiness despite the continuing pandemic. This very may well have been our longest period without an update, because well..., we've been super busy! (Happy Easter!) A few numbers to describe our current life... Days lived in Japan: 570ish Number of trains boarded since the last blog update: 800+ Days a week in language school: 6 Number of vocab flashcards I'm supposed to do today: 5601 (estimated 14 hours 42 min) Total hours in Japanese class: ~1300 and counting Height of the stack of completed homework papers on my desk:20.5cm / 8 inches Though we spend a lot of time studying, we've been up to a few other things as well... I spoke at the YMCA's winter graduation, sharing the meaning of Christmas in Japanese. We've made, and sadly, said goodbye to many new friends. We taught, in Japanese, at a Japanese elementary school. Hosted a number of get togethers with classmates and friends (this was Christmas!) And lately, have been enjoying the...
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Our first month in Japan

Our first month in Japan

Well, that went by quick! I've almost been in Japan for an entire month. I'm happy to say that so far, things are going really well. Danielle arrived 10 days ago, and we've been having fun exploring our new home everyday since. I'm home! My first meal, ramen! Mission complete. Good news! We found a place to live! Danielle, Ruke (our cat who joined us in Japan), and I move in to our new home in one week! We came into this situation knowing we would need a miracle, and we got one. The deck was stacked against us: foreign students with a cat. We were told before-hand that being a foreigner alone cuts down possible rentals to a mere 5%. A pet friendly place, especially for cats, are extremely difficult to find on top of that. But not only did we find a place, we had a bonus "wish-list" of items and got everything on that list and more! Even funny, but specific...
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37 hours

37 hours

In just thirty-seven hours, I'm taking off on a one way flight to Osaka, Japan. When to return? Who knows! My first mission upon arrival: eat some delicious ramen! My second, and arguably more important mission: Find a home for Danielle and I! Totally not joking... Can't wait to get my hands on some real ramen. I feel like an adventurer of old; going off to a new world, establishing a home for my wife (and cats). And like every good adventure, obstacles to overcome! My jungle to tame is concrete, and the bear to wrestle, bureaucracy. (Admittedly, mine is a very modern, first-world adventure.) ( codyanddanielle.org and affiliates do not participate in, or support boxing or wrestling with bears ) I love adventure: new places, experiences, and stories. Despite that, one could easily get overwhelmed by everything going on, needs to be done, or could go wrong. For that reason, we've been pro-active with our anti-worrying. Philippians 4:6-7 has been our verse...
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