What I’m learning: No.2

What I’m learning: No.2

Our first winter In Japan We're making our way through the first of (hopefully) many winters here in Japan. With an average temperature floating between 40-50 degrees Fahrenheit, we've had some beautiful days despite being the coldest time of the year. Though it has been a really difficult month in some ways, we're still doing quite well! Every day we seem to understand a little more of the language, and our day-to-day routines here in Japan are becoming more familiar. New student Takoyaki party Dinner with friends! Japanese gesture game I wasn't very good at this at all... Lunch with Friends! Lots of Japanese homework, everyday! Having just started this series on "what I'm learning," I went into the month really excited about writing this post. I began taking notes of everything I was learning. It's amazing how much more you notice when you're looking for something! In just a few days I realized I had way too much to fit in a month's blog,...
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